I've been meaning to get this post up for a while (well ever since I wrote the initial "Top 10" post back a few months ago) and have a pretty good idea of how it's gonna go, but as it always is, lets see where this one leads to.
Most of these beers could probably realistically be on my Top 10 list, but their availability and brewing season offerings make them a "well-kept" secret and unfortunately unavailable during the entire year for consumption. They are all exceptional brews and could probably stand on their own, but it took a lot to narrow it down to my favorite three varieties per season. And as this is my blog and I'm the one writing it, I'm going to get started with my most favorite season of them all, which was so nice, they named it twice: Autumn/Fall.

#2 - Custom Brewcrafters Oktoberfest Lager
#3 - JW Dundees - Oktoberfest
With the surge of all of the microbreweries in the recent years, that has really given a wide variety of choices to beer connoisseur worldwide. This particular beer comes straight from my hometown of Rochester and is a wonderful fall season offering as well. Brewed right on St. Paul Street in Rochester, this marzen style lager is dark auburn in color and crisp too. It's brewed with a variety of fall spices that give this beer a unique flavoring that I have not come across in any other styles of Oktoberfest. Additionally, the fact that it is brewed right here in Rochester from a "hometown proud" brewery and I feel like I am supporting jobs in my city definitely helps. Priced very reasonably at $6.99 per six pack this lager is on that I look forward to and given any choice, will always go for this beer over a mainstream Samuel Adams or other similar varieties. Smooth and with a fizzy spicy head on it, the head retention is middle of the road and it definitely makes the top 3 list as a fine specimen of the fall season. Definitely worth the taste.
With the surge of all of the microbreweries in the recent years, that has really given a wide variety of choices to beer connoisseur worldwide. This particular beer comes straight from my hometown of Rochester and is a wonderful fall season offering as well. Brewed right on St. Paul Street in Rochester, this marzen style lager is dark auburn in color and crisp too. It's brewed with a variety of fall spices that give this beer a unique flavoring that I have not come across in any other styles of Oktoberfest. Additionally, the fact that it is brewed right here in Rochester from a "hometown proud" brewery and I feel like I am supporting jobs in my city definitely helps. Priced very reasonably at $6.99 per six pack this lager is on that I look forward to and given any choice, will always go for this beer over a mainstream Samuel Adams or other similar varieties. Smooth and with a fizzy spicy head on it, the head retention is middle of the road and it definitely makes the top 3 list as a fine specimen of the fall season. Definitely worth the taste.
WINTER - The winter season always is a great season for drinking beer, the weather is getting colder, the beers are darker in coloring and often a little more intense and although the autumn season has passed, winter always has you coming back for more. Here are my choices for the top 3 beers of winter.
This heavenly creation was initially consumed by me at Cobbs Hill in Rochester during a midnight sledding run a few winters ago. We piled several of these in a snowbank and then hit the hill and enjoyed these beers post sledding run. It was a chilly night, but these kept us all very warm. As any of you that read this might have asked for a recommendation for a good solid winter beer during the "off season", undoubtedly this was likely my first utterance to you. Plus it's got a sweet snowman on the label and you can't go wrong with that! :o) Well, not to get too technical right away, but let's dive into the divine details of this delectable offering. First thing you notice about this beer is the fact that it is aged in old wooden bourbon barrels. This gives is a "warming sensation" that you can definitely taste throughout the entire beer. Coupled with the Madagascar Vanilla Beans that this fine "winter warmer" is brewed with, that takes the bourbon edge off of this beer and makes it go down SO smoothly. Much to my chagrin though, I received word this spring from one the account managers of Anheuser-Busch that they will no longer be producing this beer due to not being able to brew without variations in the recpie/taste. So it is with a heavy heart that I say RIP Bourbon Cask Ale, you will
be missed...
be missed...
#2 - Dogfish Head - Chickory Stout

#3 Saranac - Carmel Porter

SPRING - Spring time is a time of rejuvenation, a time for celebration, the snow has melted, the grass is finally turning green again, the temps are (hopefully) rising and there is a certain rebirth in the land and peoples attitudes around town. Additionally, to add to the awesomeness of springtime, almost every brewery that I know of offers a spring season and most often they are Bock beers (Bock is the German word for goat) and that is why there are goats on the labels of most spring beers!
I cannot say enough about the creation that is Genny Bock Beer. I honestly look forward to seeing the massive cases and displays of bright green Genesee Bock beer. Only sold in 12 packs cans and available for a short period of time (from about late February to early April) this malty treat is best experienced with 2 beers the first time it's consumed. I only say this because the initial taste is a little shocking, but after you get thru the first can and onto the second, it is absolutely wonderful! There is a certain stigma in the Rochester area about Genesee and if people could drink two of these bocks, I think we could put those all to rest. Dark brown in color and deeply malty with just enough of a hint and balance of hops, Genny Bock is light on the wallet (as most Wegmans have it priced at the uber reasonable $6.99 per 12-er. As I type this though, I am in search of the final cases of this around town as I think I need to stock up because it's selling out everywhere!! Don't let the 70's-esque label fool you, this is GOOD, no wait, strike that, GREAT beer!
Anchor Steam makes some amazing middle of the road, what I refer to as, drinkability beers. Their spring offering has never let me down. As you can see from the label with a prominent goat head, this bock is brewed in the traditional spring fashion and has the malty characteristics that a genuine bock would carry. Brewed in SanFrancisco, California, this beer is a tad pricey, but if you are out at a fine dining establishment and obviously don't want to buy into the Miller/Bud/Coors crap-o-la out there, this one is a fine choice. Dancing around your tongue, bock beers have a very complex taste that often cannot be described in such a short time. Initially hitting your tongue at the sides to blast your buds with the malty goodness, this one is a little paler in color, but finishes smoothly and is a nice end to a meal out on the town, or a good companion to have while having drinks out with friends. Bottled in a stout, squatty bottle, the cap signifies the trademark anchor that is prevelent in this brand of beer and as the spring season goes, this one is definitely worth a few swallows!
#3 - Unknown beer - unknown brewing company

SUMMER - Ahhhhhh, one of the best seasons around. In Rochester, NY it only lasts for about as quick as you can say, "Oh my God, it's actually WARM out!" but it's good while it lasts. There are a lot of beers that you can booze with during the summertime, but since this is my list and I drink almost anything (except for Ram's piss - shameless Beerfest reference) I'm only going to give you my top #1 of summer (because I already gave you 10 on the last post!)
#1 - Sierra Nevada - Summerfest Lager
And there you have it. A comprehensive list of top ten beers and additionally 3 extra credit beers that you can only get during the appropriate brewing seasons. Tastes change thru the year and if you're doing it right, your beer choices should as well. So I hope you've enjoyed this post, feel free to comment on your own favorites and if you see me around, lets have a beer :o) Cheers!
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