Bontrager aero water bottle. Holds 20 ounces and is super aero helping smooth the airflow over the middle section of the bike. H20 bottle cage is carbon and this thing I refer to affectionatively as "the chalupa".It's pretty slim, but it really looks like a soft taco from Taco Bell. :o) Next in line, just got installed about a week ago thanks to the BRAND new sponsor for 2008 Berts Bikes in Buffalo, NY. Jim Costello was so nice to swap out my old aluminum handlebar set and hook me up with these bad boys. It sports an integrated stem, basebar, and aero bars that are FULL carbon. It's sick. I spoke with a few friends and called it silly fast after smoking a 100 mile ride in 4:37 from Buffalo to Rochester and back to Buffalo. I'm taking them around Canandaigua Lake tomorrow to see how the climb. Since they are so light, I'm thinking it will be fast :o)
The new bars also dropped my front end by like 3 inches and I feel like I can generate SO much more power being down low, so we'll see how it plays out in Wisconsin. The next upgrade hasn't come yet, but I ordered it today online.

This is the last upgrade that I made to the bike. It's a 53 tooth carbon aero chainring by FSA. 53 teeth of ramped and pinned aluminum that will smooth the airflow and just look really cool :o) Now, here's something that will definitely up the "dork factor" of my game in Wisconsin.Yes, I've broken down and gotten a pair of Zensah compression calf sleeves because of the nagging tightness in my calfs. (I almost got ART before the Philly Marathon last year and they are still notoriously tight) I took them out today on a 8 mile run and they felt good. They just provide a little support and feel like someone is hugging your calves. Not bad.
So those are the upgrades that I have made. Who knows if they will help at all, but I would feel bad if I didn't at least have all the right equipment to perform at my best. I've trained hard, the engine is hot and ready and I'll see you folks at the starting line in a little less than a month :o) Cheers.
They may up your "dork factor" Dorothy but I look damn good in mine. Good luck at the Ryan Seacrest "Rainbows & Butterflies" Charity Triathlon to benefit the victims of Richard Simmons shorts Fund. (a.k.a. IM Wisconsin)
Jim gave me that water bottle too and it sucks. It's great in short tri's but when you need a bottle replacement in the Ironman...... those gatorade bottles don't fit!
Yeah, but I'm planning on loading it up with a gatorade and CarboPro mixture like I have been over the last few months in training. I've gotten used to "the chalupa" and am stoked to give it a whirl... I'll try anything once ;o)
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