January 27, 2009
Goals...we all have them...these are mine!
A close friend told me once that it was best to say goals out loud and tell everyone your plans because then you would be held accountable and hold yourself to a higher standard as well during races, life, etc. I feel that goals are something that trancend life and delve into realms that are able to be viewed in various aspects of your life not only the area that you are setting goals for. But enough philosophical stuff... on to the goals (just so I can hold myself accountable at a later date... :o) haha)
Without further adieu (in no particular order) my multisport goals:
1. Qualify for the Ironman World Championships in Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i
2. Get back onto the podium for an Ironman 140.6 event
3. Break 10 hours in an Ironman (60/5/5:30/2/3:22 = 9:59)
4. Break 2:00:00 in an Olympic Distance Triathlon (PR is a 2:05 currently)
5. Get into the 4:3x range for the half ironman distance
6. Run a sub 36 minute 10km run at the end of an Olympic Distance Triathlon
7. Run a sub 2:50 marathon in an open marathon
8. Bike under an hour in a 40km time trial
9. Run an open half marathon between 1:18 and 1:20
10. Swim a mile in open water in under 20 minutes
11. Run an Ironman Marathon somewhere between 3:10-3:15
12. Win the Musselman Half ironman triathlon in Geneva, NY
13. Swim between a 28 - 30 for a Half Ironman swim leg (never gone below 30...to date)
14. Win a triathlon straight up against Carl Johnson - he knows I'm gunning for him...)
15. Win the Score-This!!! Multisport Series one year
16. Become a professional trathlete by USAT multisport standards
17. Break 2:50 in the Boston Marathon (PR= 2:53)
18. Run a 15km run in sub 55:04 (college PR)
19. Qualify for the 70.3 World Championships in Clearwater, FL (then don't go b/c too much drafting...)
20. Run marathons at all the major ones (Boston, Chicago, NYC, London, etc)
Those are a start for my multisport goals. In no way was that a complete list or was it set in stone. Actually if I do not even achieve one of these goals that I have set for myself and I tried my best throughout the seasons that I compete, I will be happy. I know that I am very fortunate to be able to race as fast as I do and compete and meet all the people that I do. It's a fantastic lifestyle and I'm thankful that I am part of it all :o)
And as an aside, I am in the start of a rest week and drinking a beer as I am typing this, so I understand that my actions right now are not that conducive to attaining all of these goals, but it's been an exhausting few weeks lately and I need the rest. So on that note, I have a beer to finish and swimming to wake up for tomorrow morning, so I'm off. Cheers folks, hope you've been JFT'ing and I will catch you all soon. Rest hard.
January 24, 2009
Snow Cheap Race #3 report

I hit the line in first again and finished it off 3 for 3 in starts versus wins for this race series. I'm already getting antsy for the next one on 2/4/09. Good times and some monster climbs made for a good race and fun.
I've been keeping busy here with training (last 3 weeks have been 10, 13 and 15 hours) and have a glorious rest week planned next week. JFT at it's finest. Keep it up during the cold winter months folks. Be back with another report soonish. Cheers.
Snow Cheap Race #2 race report

Race #2 happened at 6pm at Cobbs Hill park here in Rochester on January 8th. It was one of those nights where it had been 40* F out for the last 3-4 preceding days and things were slippery as the melt afected what little snow pack that we had in Rochester at that time. Everything was slush.
The race was a non-snowshoe race (due to lack of snow pack) The start went off without a hitch and about 1/4 mile into it, we realized that the cones and markers were heading right over a massive leaf pile that when you ran over it you sank up to about mid shin.
It was a good race that was pretty well marked and pretty hilly too. There were a few climbs and an infamous log that we had to either go over or under (I went over) :o) It was a lung buster style race and the slush made things 10 times harder to run thru. I was able to front run and make it to the line in first overall for the 2nd race in a row...
January 10, 2009
RAMS 10k swim practice
Now after joining RAMS for at least a year now, they have done several really cool things for meets, relays, and practices. On Sunday January 4th there was an option to swim a 10,000 yard workout at RIT. I went.
There were about 20-25 of us that started out the workout and we pushed off at around 10am. There weren't going to be any REALLY hard sets today, it was all about just getting a ridiculous amount of yards in. We all started in good spirits and had some fun.
It was long (i'm not going to lie) and a lot of people bailed a little early, but that's okay. I was planning on the whole thing and wanted to prove to myself that I could swim it. Lori threw set after set after set at us and we swam it. Gradually the numbers dwindled to a point where we each had our own lanes. At about 8500 yards into the practice Lori throws this one our way: 4x(2x100's on 1:30, 1x50 stroke on :60) It wasn't that hard just the fact that I was feeling pretty good at this point. My triceps were cramping a bit, but all in all the wheels had not fallen off yet.
I swam each 100 somewhere between 1:09 and 1:12...it was insane. I don't know how I went so fast, but it just became what I had to do at that point. I guess I just needed an 8500 yard warm up! :o) After that it was a small cool down and we hit 10k. There were only 3 of us that finished, myself, Bruce and Big Jim.
That's me on the left and big Jim on the right after completing our 10,000 yards. I apologize for the paleness. It was fun and I wish they did it more than once a year. But the next big thing that is popping up at the end of the month is a one hour Postal swim. Should be fun, they keep track of your laps and you just swim as far as you can in 1 hour.
I still have to get a few more race reports up here, so I gotta run, but JFT folks...that's what the 10k swim is all about :o) Cheers.
A (not so) short list
1. Frozen Assets race report
2. Ode to an amazing competitor
3. 10k swim workout report and thoughts
4. ADK trip report and what we did from Xmas to New Years
5. Snow Cheap #2 race report
So I have a lot of typing to do this weekend, and I would've done some before but the internet's been spotty here, and work blocked this site again so I'm gonna try to get a majority of it up this weekend... we shall see. I also have some monster workouts to do too...
But until then, keep checking back and I'll have some fun posts up here soon. Cheers and JFT folks!